“An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage” Jack Welch

Organisational Coaching for Transformational Change

In the fast paced, high tech, highly competitive and constantly changing world we live in, we are all experiencing the need to reinvent, be more innovative and to become skilful at bringing about transformations. Such a transformational journey is often like walking through a mine field and requires skilful people with knowledge, insight, experience and drive to navigate this new and often unknown terrain. So what if you don’t have such people or cannot get them, how do you learn quickly and develop your own people to step in and step up?

At Connect2Experience we all have the experience of having contributed to delivering major change, we have led culture change initiatives, designed change processes, and most importantly have coached those people at the pioneering end of the change intervention.

Helping people to recognise that change is not a science and that behaviour is a key component to success, we use concepts, models and tools to help make individuals and teams “change-ready” and confident to start the change journey, whilst making the right connections that join the dots. This in turn helps provide a coherent, consistent and compelling story for your change agents to inspire others and bring them along.

Need help and support to get your people “change-ready”? We’d love to hear from you…