“Between stimulus and response is our greatest power, the freedom to choose“ - Stephen Covey

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How can you start your development journey and find your connections? We offer three main routes and there is also the option to develop customised programmes adapted to your needs:


As team players, change agents and people leaders at senior level in various multinationals we have learned the real value and power of coaching in developing individuals and teams. So much so that we decided to become accredited and experienced coaches ourselves. We have practiced over several years and have built up a number of resources (think tools, models, psychometric assessments etc) and we continue to challenge ourselves to maintain high professional standards in any coaching activity we deliver.

Our unique contribution is the value we bring from having been in the business environment ourselves, dealing with the challenge of finding the balance between task, result and people. We have been used to experiencing the issues that many people face and want to be coached around. We therefore are well placed to help you find the coaching solutions that work for you and for your organisation.
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You are not alone! We all have doubts about whether we are doing a good job, are being valued, have enough experience or knowledge, and if we can find solutions for tricky or sensitive issues. Often these issues of leadership are around balancing the needs of individuals with the visible results expected of the team, and what to do when one or more these things is not optimal.

The value of peer to peer coaching comes from sharing your dilemma or issue, including your thinking about it and what you are feeling, thus expressing your emotions in an open atmosphere that is safe. Many people find sharing emotion, whether that is frustration, anxiety, fear, anger, or disenchantment, difficult to express in a workplace environment. And often we have doubts as to whether we have the right knowledge and capabilities needed to minimize these feelings and resolve our issues and even worse, will we be judged badly if we get it wrong? All too often we feel that we are the only one experiencing such things, which is far from the truth.
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Our programme to develop your personal leadership is an experiential journey which includes opportunities to demonstrate some key leadership behaviours, and get feedback from coaches and  participants, so you can consider your personal change strategies. In addition, you will learn some underpinning theory and methodologies. We’ll ask you to work on real tasks that affect virtually all leaders at one time or another, and  encourage you to think how to apply your insights back in your real world. It’s personal in that your journey is based on your needs, strengths and gaps you want to work on and includes defining your goals and priorities, as well as incorporating work on your own dilemmas.

Shared learning in support groups and regular coaching are an integral part of the programme. The final module will enable you to make choices from topics on offer to shape your own learning and continuing development path.
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Our programmes are generally open subscription, but we can also bring similar content as In-company offerings, either as single options or combined in one learning journey.

If you are reading this as a HR professional, we can add to or enhance your organisation’s current development portfolio absorbing some of your key content as needed to deliver programmes and coaching. If you prefer, as designers of learning journeys we can also design brand new options for you, tailored to your needs or co- create new interventions with your internal professional team. All of this under your corporate brand as your trusted partner.

Read more about Customised Programmes