"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." - Henry Ford

Develop Your Team

For teams to really be successful and to value and enjoy working together, it’s vital that they understand a few things……

  • Collectively everyone in the team should be connected to the team’s common purpose, the goals agreed, the processes put in place for effective working and the speed and quality required to meet the deadlines and deliverables
  • Individually each person needs to be aware of their own contribution -through knowing their strengths and the impact of their behaviour and how to use their knowledge and skills to best advantage,
  • All team members need to understand the value of difference and embrace the diversity in the team for positive gain.
  • Everyone when invited has insights, ideas and experience to offer, as well as things they need to learn or develop – listening to one another and providing support to each other are key
  • Understanding how to navigate team dynamics is an important skill for everyone

Our professional coaches work with teams to ask all the right questions around each of these important aspects in an atmosphere that stimulates trust, safety to step in and speak up.  We aim to provide opportunity – to think out of the box, to create awareness, and to bring collective understanding and agreement. The resulting values and culture, team roadmap and goals bring clarity and coherence, alliance and team spirt – all key success factors.

Each team journey has a different starting point, it could be:

  • A new team in a start-up or spin-off
  • A mixed team coming together after a merger or integration
  • A team that has been together for a while but now will experience significant change (loss of trusted leader/new leader, loss of team members, change of responsibilities, remote working, etc)
  • A team that needs to reinvent itself or its approaches to meet changes the organisation demands and expects

We have experienced all of these ourselves as team leaders and team members and we’re here to help you work on what you want your team to discover.

Peer Coaching

Another way to understand how you contribute within a team is to come together in a peer group and be coached collectively.

Peer coaching can be a simple and effective way to become unstuck and/or provide new momentum. The value is in being able to share with others (in a safe environment) the challenges that you face or the issues and dilemmas that concern you. 

Our C2E facilitators lead peer groups following a structured approach and using relevant tools. The aim is to provide every group member with the opportunity to tap into the experience, ideas and solutions of all the others. The value comes from learning with and from each other about how issues can be resolved and how to deal with complexity. The win-win comes from making connections to the various options/ideas that are generated that you may not have considered. By sharing your personal challenge(s) in a peer group you will benefit by:

  • Getting insights as to how to achieve desired results or deal with conflicts
  • Gaining awareness as to how you show up and what your impact is on others
  • Recognizing and validating your personal style and coping strategies
  • Learning to actively ask for feedback and how to effectively give feedback to others
  • Actively exploring other perspectives beyond your own
  • Becoming inspired by others

Contact us to see how we can help you
get the best from your team: