"Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximize their growth" - John Whitmore


As team players, change agents and people leaders at senior level in various multinationals we have learned the real value and power of coaching in developing individuals and teams. So much so that we decided to become accredited and experienced coaches ourselves. We have practiced over several years and have built up a number of resources (think tools, models, psychometric assessments etc) and we continue to challenge ourselves to maintain high professional standards in any coaching activity we deliver.

Our unique contribution is the value we bring from having been in the business environment ourselves, dealing with the challenge of finding the balance between task, result and people. We have been used to experiencing the issues that many people face and want to be coached around. We therefore are well placed to help you find the coaching solutions that work for you and for your organisation.

Some examples of the ways in which we could help are:

Individual Coaching
Examples of situations in which individual coaching is beneficial:

  • through your first 100 days in a new role as a senior/ mid- level leader
  • when you are at a career crossroads and unsure how to progress
  • dealing with tough issues around people in your team
  • managing up/influencing your boss
  • building a better relationship with a peer, boss, direct report

We work with you to determine both what works for you and what doesn’t in your current situation and help you find new perspectives about what may be valuable going forward. You are unique and whatever coaching experience you follow we make it unique to you!
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Intact team coaching
For example, to improve performance, build better relationships within the team, review and renew processes, discover and share knowledge and ideas effectively… to name but a few of the focus areas
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Organisational Coaching
For example, when you want to create a different culture or manage a transformational change, we can help coach the key stakeholders and change agents to realize that journey.

Important to recognize is that any form of coaching is helping people to find their own solutions that enable them to grow and become unstuck, enabling them to decide to do things differently, and in turn feel more focused, in control and on track. Our aim is that our clients achieve something meaningful, helpful and fulfilling!
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Should your organisation need to establish Mentors for key talents, upcoming professionals or new joins, we can help you prepare potential Mentors to fulfil their role through our 5 hour Mentoring Workshops. We practice and fine tune skills, explore the role and benefits, the differences with coaching and how to mentor in groups, so called mentoring rings. Final workshop content will always be tailored to meet any organizational requirements you may have.
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Like to connect and explore coaching or mentoring opportunities? Ready to find out more about getting started, costs and our way of working